Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Cooking with Transducers

The root drone heard in this sample was produced by running a signal from my 40106 Synthesizer into a piezo driver to vibrate the lid of a metal pot. I then built a small resonant tower on the lid with a large salad bowl and a mason jar filled with 2-4 ounces of water. I water-proofed a contact microphone and coiled it around the inside of the water glass to amplify the sound of the filtered signal and metal resonance. Slightly wobbling the resonant tower and shifting its components allowed for crude filtration. The harmonium melodies were improvised to the result, which was happily in tune with the acoustic instrument's own four constant reeds.

Harmonium and Watered Signal by Young Rites

1 comment:

Chris Berntsen said...

soooooo sick, the tone is amazing!